Thursday, February 9, 2012

Being Relentless

As we start let me define for you what the meaning of relentless is;
1. Unyielding in severity or strictness; unrelenting:
2. Steady and persistent; unremitting
The goal of this blog is to help us, me included, become relentless in our pursuits in life. Not just to acheive goals or a specific level, but pursue them with intense strictness! To be relentless in being a father. To be relentless as husband. To be relentless as a speaker.
This doesnt happen the easy way. There is no simple formula to help you become relentless. It is something that has to take over you entire life and be part of your entire life. Physically, Mentally and Spiritually. Wanting to become a relentless person will require you to not only face the future but face somethings in your past that have held you back. So, as Jeffery Gitomer says, "Its time to Kick your own butt"!
Remember the only one holding you back is you!
I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13

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