Monday, February 13, 2012

Ok so on my last post someone asked if it was just for guys..... No this isn't something I am doing just for guys, pastors or parents. Just some things I have learned along the way that I want to share with the world. LOL Because I am sure the world is looking at my blog ;)
So how do we develop this drive to be the best we can? How do we overcome our circumstances? Or even overcome ourselves?
Well, first lets look at who we are as humans. I believe our lives can be split up into three separate but equal parts. The first would be mental. Meaning my knowledge, common sense, experiences create how I think and react towards things in life. The second would be Physical. What kind of shape my body is in! Oh and yes round is a shape. But specifically the general health you have in you life. Third is Spiritual. Many people would scoff at the idea of our spiritual life having a major impact in life, until  you consider that the majority of the world believes in the spiritual. There is something in each one of us that draws us to considering faith.

So in our pursuit to better ourselves to pursue our dreams we need to realize that we have to have a balance in our lives. With out this balance is where problems in our lives are created. So on our walk through life lets remember to be balanced! Attain that balance well......that is what I hope to share with you all...... not that i am perfect.

   Know that wisdom is such to your soul;
   if you find it, there will be a future,
   and your hope will not be cut off.
                               Psalms 24:14

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