Sunday, March 2, 2014

Whats going on with Richie?

Ok so I have taken to Facebook a lot to vent what I am feeling! Believe it or not I have caught so crap for talking about what is going on in my life? I am so negative I hear quite frequently. Or it’s the sin in your life. Or friends just stop talking to me and some,half, unfriend me! My therapist, we will get to that later, suggest I write down what I am feeling and when it happens. JOURNAL!! HE WANTS ME TO JOURNAL! Popped immediately into my head. I don’t journal! But given the shallowness of some of my facebook “friends” I decided I would fire up this old blog and use it as a platform for what is happening! Many of you know that we raised chickens this summer. Well 800 chickens to be exact! It was a lot of work and many nights up late dissuading coons from the taste of chicken. Towards the end of our last batch I noticed my hands where shaken all the time like I was cold. It didn’t take my long to realize that something wasn’t right. The shakes weren’t going away. So like any real man I waited til December when my wife made me go to the doctor! Yes Yes I know I should haven’t right away but hey I am tough and I can handle anything that comes my way, or so I thought. My trip to the doctors is typical, high blood pressure (read raising 800 chickens here), overweight, to much stress. My doctor walks in and we begin the talk of whats happening what is my body doing etc. The check up begins! Well it was obvious I had tremors! What were they from? This is all new to me but I did notice I had trouble shooting my bow this deer season. No excuses though. Ok so the doctor is doing her thing and begins a serious of tests I found odd. She is moving my arms around and asking about how I walk, looking at how I walk. She steps out for a while and soon another doctor steps in and does the exact same thing! Ok remember I am a tough guy, I can handle just about any situation that comes my way………. My doctors look at me and give me there ideas of what could be going on! The rattle off a list that they can check through blood work and try some drugs to help with the tremors. Great! No problems! Richie my doctor says wait there are some possibilities we have to seriously consider, you may have MS or Early onset Parkinson’s. UH what did you just say? Wait I didn’t hear you right……..I am 37 no way can those be possibilities! Richie said my doctor “we noticed some cogs in your muscle movements during our testing.” They said that these were some of the indicators of MS and Parkinson’s. I walked out of the hospital in a complete daze……I have to call someone I need to tell someone what is going on! First I tried my wife, she was busy and couldn’t talk! I tried a friend of mine, she just hung up! I tried my mom she was to busy to talk. I tried My sisters no answer…………Here I am sitting in the Wal-Mart parking lot balling like a baby going to get new drugs to face the giant in my life. And Everyone I care about, my closest friends and family don’t have time to hear that my life is about to change!!!!


  1. Wow I didn't know any of that Richie sorry to hear! Will be praying for u!

  2. We are praying for at lakeside Baptist

  3. Wow,I'm praying for you Richie. I have done therapy in the past and that journalling thing was hard for me too but I'm glad for all I learned from it. Hang in there. God has a plan.

  4. Well now Richie you know by "seeking all this attention" you are making it so much harder for them to make up their own versions of what is going on in your life. Some people just have to have a say about everything and usually in the end all they do is make themselves look like the nosey busy bodies they are...
