Monday, March 12, 2012

Solid Ground

So I have had a great internal debate as to how much of the spiritual aspect I should go into on my blog. I like for all to be able to read what I have learned and take something from it and use it into their own lives. But when it comes to spiritual and religious things people tend to get their ire up quickly. So in my mind the debate raged! I know what your saying "there is alot of room for that fight up there!" Well yes that is true! But, I came to the conclusion that I believe what I believe because I studied hard and searched intently to understand. The same way I did with everything else in my life! So if I share my relentless desire to better myself physically and mentally I also should share what I have learned spiritually! So here it goes......

C.S. Lewis wrote, "There are lots of things you can do with sand; but do not try building a house on it." This is a wonderful statement if you understand the how foundations work. Sand is not a stable source to build upon. It will not pack and washes away very easy. Jesus used this illustration in the bible with the foolish man who built his house and the sand. And the wise man who built his house on the rock. The meaning behind the parable is that we should be build our lives on things that are solid! My intent here is not to debate or start an argument for Christianity. My intent is to simply ask what have you built your life upon? Through my adolescent and teenage years I did many things that I am not proud of, I was self centered and very very egotistical. I lived for me, for what made Richie happy and never gave a second thought about anyone else. I begin to study the bible. Now, not out of a want of spiritual gain but out of the idea that I was tired of my family using it to try to "help" me. As I studied I began to see that the facts and stories and the history found in the bible could be verified! I was stunned by this! I had gone through college and was taught that these were just fairy tales and stories made up to illustrate certain religious points. Yet here I find scholar after scholar who can attest to the times and places. The major hang up comes with the miracles we find happening throughout the bible.....are they true? What I found....Yes they are! Now I don't want you to take my word for it.  Don't believe cause I believe you go and look and study for yourself. Physical I cannot lift weights to make you stronger or do cardio to make you healthier. Mentally I cannot read for you to make you smarter! You need to do these things on your own and by yourself. Don't look around or look at someone else and what they have done, just do it yourself! Stand in front of the mirror and look at yourself and ask, "what have I built my house on?" Consider that maybe the reason you are struggling and not happy is because you have been building in the wrong spot!

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